Assoarchitetti & Ingegneri

association of professional architects

association of professional architects

What is ALA

The Association of Professional Architects, ALA - Assoarchitetti is a no profit organization aimed to promote and represent the social and civil values of the profession of architect and civil engineer with regards to the government, public opinion, economic and social forces at a central, regional and local level.

ALA members hold the title of architect or civil engineer and practice the profession in Italy with non-subordinate status. "Architect" is defined in accordance with CEE directive 10.6.85, n. 384.
Assoarchitetti belongs to CONFPROFESSIONI, the Italian Federation of Professions, based in Rome, which brings together the associations of the relevant professions: architects, lawyers, dentists, work consultants, business consultants, civil engineers, doctors, notaries, accountants, auditors, vets.
Through CONFPROFESSIONI, Assoarchitetti belongs to CEPLIS, Conseil Européen pour les Professions Libérales, based in Brussels. CEPLIS brings together the professional associations of all the European Union countries.

ALA promotes the adoption of social policies favouring the defence of the legitimate interests of the profession; it protects the activity of member architects on economic and trade union fronts; signs national work contracts; studies and promotes the evolution of practices within the profession.

ALA promotes several cultural activities in the field of architecture, such as exhibitions, conferences, seminaries, professional training, etc. Among all, ALA promotes the International Prize Dedalo Minosse for Commissioning a Building, in order to foster the quality of the architectural work, highlighting the value of the client's role.